Friday, April 18, 2008

Halo 3 Legendary Maps

I am sad, not because of the price, not because of the wort hof the maps, but because I think that maps just SUCK!
I mean, one is a copy of Lockout, my most hated map excepting Coag, in all of Halo 2
The the Sidewinder remake is fine, except the Nerfed(weakened) the FREAKING HORNET!!!!
Now it has now rockets, and the guns are lower power, now if they just cut one or two things fine, but they turned the flying tank into a useless piece of junk, I did an experiment with a friend, he charged his Spartan Laser at the same time I started shooting him with my guns, he beat me three times, the guns cannot even fight people on foot.
Then Ghost Town, I don't know about anybody else, but a deserted water plant is not my idea of cool, there is no vehicle functionality, and the rest is so messed up that an open fight is all you can do.
As for the Forge aspect, the only real additions are the Ramp, which is exactly what is sounds like, the
watchtower Base, hexagonal box with a ramp, and it is not stackable(not in a useful fashion anyway), finally there are FX , or filters that can change the look of a level, from color Blind, which makes it black and white, to Pen and Ink that makes the whole thing look like a comic Book.
Totally useless to most people as it ruins visibility, and changes the affect of Flares and other items.
Bungie, If this is what I pay $10.00 for , I'll see you On Cod4


My Favorite Whizkids

  • Mom-The Sleepy Reader
  • My little Sis- Myspace Guru
  • Dale Reynolds-Remakes of popular songs
  • GaMeR- Owner and Creator of
  • Me(lol)- I do Internet Graphics in my spare time.