Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cod4 Maps

I know it isn't breaking news, but Infinity Ward is releasing new maps for Call of Duty 4.
I personally am Ecstatic I LOVED Cod4 and I still play it over Halo and most other games I have, new maps will make it better.
I hope the maps are a little more glitch-proof as getting shot from a spot that is not supposed to be reachable is not cool.
I tentatively hope for a perk or two but I'm talking out my keister here, as IW has said nothing about it.
I am not one of those who wishes to see "fixes" in the guns, Leave everything alone(snipers excepted, they suck) , or to see perks removed, leave martyrdom, Last Stand and 3xfrags alone, they make it what it is, as forM16's?
I'd say the problem is the people being to eager to win, so much that they'll take cheap options.
Again, no news, but my opinion makes good filler.
I would say that if they kept adding to this game, an new one could wait for YEARS to come out and I'd be happy.
I just hope they keep the support up.


My Favorite Whizkids

  • Mom-The Sleepy Reader
  • My little Sis- Myspace Guru
  • Dale Reynolds-Remakes of popular songs
  • GaMeR- Owner and Creator of
  • Me(lol)- I do Internet Graphics in my spare time.