Saturday, February 2, 2008

Cod4: How I see it

ok, First of all, a lot of my opinion is the evolution of what I hear, so it may not be all original.

In the area of maps, i think Cod4 is better than most, because every map is loaded with Camouflage, Cover, useful spots and cool scenery.The "glitches" can be annoying but they do not really allow much to be done, as most are not hidden, just in an area that most don't look.
So for example, I can hide in a balcony, I am not impossible to hit, I will show up on the Killcam of the first Person I snipe, so it is only a one kill deal.
Some people claim that the Camouflage is to easy to hide in, you can be right in front of someone and never see them.I say that this mean you have to be careful, If you go crazy and sprint around corners, You will get shot, if you check areas, communicate with your friends, and are smart, it won't be bad.
My main issue with Cod4 is a certain tendency of lag to come in the most horrible fashion, now lag always sucks, but most of the time, it is just the fact that people don't die right or some slowdown, In Cod4 it tends to manifest as invisible players, Snipe shots that hit when they should miss, and miss when they should hit.
Sometimes the party system will not allow someone to join an empty match, but it is worth it to me.
With over 20 weapons, it is not a lack of guns, but the fact that the majority are almost alike, most fire Rapid sprays of ammo, some are single shot and some have burst, but the are really all guns.Not to say that an M16 performs ANYTHING like an AK-74u, but they don't have the cool light effects that some games include.
A minor flaw is the ability of certain Perks(character traits that affect gameplay, You get three, and they are interchangeable) to allow"N00B combos", or classes that are almost invincible because of the design.
For example, let say you have an M16(very good gun, almost too good), Juggernaut(health boost Perk),Last Stand(You get shot, your character lays on the ground for a little while and shoots his pistol), this character is almost invincible, because as soon as you shoot him to the ground he pulls his Desert Eagle and keeps on shooting you, it take 2-3 people to down this guy.
Or a character that is carrying a silenced gun, and is invisible to radar, plus he makes no noise when he walks, you can't find this guy, he can walk all over you and you'll never know.
This is mostly a flaw of people, as any game has an overpowered gun/ability, it is an unfortunate thing that people will use that to win.
There are no Vehicles that are user operated in Call of Duty, you can call in a helicopter or airstrike based on kills.
Note:These bonuses are fun, and sometimes save a game, but a lot of the time they can turn a small lead into a blowout, as one person gets his chopper, this allows someone to get his, until the entire opposing team is blasting yours and you can't move for fear of being annihilated.
Again it is in the players, if everybody is playing smart you can actually down the choppers, and air strikes rarely kill people inside structures.
Stealth plays a large role in this game, silenced weapons can rule the battlefield as nobody can find them, and sniper is never safe to hold a position, as any good stealth player can come behind him and destroy his lead with a single knife thrust.
I am a HUGE fan of the killcam, not only is it good for taunt value(look what I did to you!), but it tells you where the guy was, and teaches a little bit of strategy.
Drawbacks:1. it gives a sniper one kill before he must change positions 2. The killcam never shows the losing player firing, even if he was.
Campaign wise: Call of Duty has some issues, like enemy closets that will spawn bad guys until you move on, and some issues of AI getting people stuck in walls or not noticing the explosion of his partners head next to him.
If I could have three wishes for DLC, I would want:
1. The ability to change my own Camo
2. More choice in my gun's look, Red dot sights made several different looks in the game, one with a crosslike "dot"
3. More Perks/Guns/Attachments(silent Sniper, Laser sight on M16)
Overall, My favorite Multiplayer game EVER.


My Favorite Whizkids

  • Mom-The Sleepy Reader
  • My little Sis- Myspace Guru
  • Dale Reynolds-Remakes of popular songs
  • GaMeR- Owner and Creator of
  • Me(lol)- I do Internet Graphics in my spare time.